Monday, February 5, 2007

T0028 - Flexicalymene meeki

Olenellus freemonti

VT Codger

Fossil Photo Gallery

A collection of photos of fossils from a small and not especially interesting fossil collection. I can't imagine that many people will much care, but if you need a fossil picture that is not encumbered by intellectual property constraints feel free to use one of these.

Copyright 2006-2007, Donald Kenney ( Unless otherwise stated, permission is hereby granted to use any materials on these pages under the V2.5 Creative Commons License.

Flexicalymene meeki

T0028 Trilobite: Flexicalymene meeki (Foerste, 1910). Partially unrolled
Upper Ordovician, Waynesville Formation, Collected from road cut along US42 near the Greene-Warren County line 5-8km NE of Waynesville, Warren County, OH . These partly overgrown roadcuts expose cyclic layers of clay and limestone which have slumped hiding the underlying layering. The surface is strewn with well preserved brachiopods, bryozoa, crinoid fragments, and an occasional gastropod, small trilobite -- Flexicalymene or, more rarely, Isotelus, etc -- all eroded from the limestone layers. Bivalves, larger trilobites and other fossils can sometimes be found in the clay layers after scraping through 20-30cm of overburden)

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